Christmas Services

We'd love to welcome you to our Christmas services this year:

Family Carols & Crafts

Sunday 22nd December

4pm at Abbey Hill Church

A family friendly carol service, followed by free refreshments and crafts for children.

Children can come dressed as characters from the nativity and take part in the service.


Traditional Carol Service - Christmas Eve

Tuesday 24th December

4pm at Abbey Hill Church

Followed by free refreshments.


Christmas Day Celebration

Wednesday 25th December

10am - Abbey Hill Church Hall

A short family service to begin Christmas Day

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” For most of us Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, of gifts, and feasting, and time with loved ones. Yet it goes so quickly! Don’t we wish the joy could last longer? Christmas feels like an escape from the reality of the harder aspects of our lives, sometimes the mess we’ve made ourselves, other times the ways we experience brokenness in this world. Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” At Christmas we remember his humble arrival in the world and how he changed the world forever. We think about his love for us and how his sacrifice brings us life with deeper joy and peace. Please join us this Christmas to find out more about Jesus and the hope he offers.