Who's who?
Do look out for those mentioned below when you visit us. We'd be glad to help in any way we're able.
Wayne & Lucie Harris
Wayne & Lucie Harris
Wayne is an elder (currently on sabbatical), Lucie is our women's ministry deacon.
Adrian & Pippa Hodder
Adrian & Pippa Hodder
Adrian is our full time elder.
Jim & Eve Murkett
Jim & Eve Murkett
Jim is an elder.
Keith and Helen Murphy
Keith and Helen Murphy
Keith is an elder.
John Whittle
John Whittle
Deacon - treasurer
Jonathan & Anna Wright
Jonathan & Anna Wright
Jonathan is an elder, Anna is our welcoming newcomers deacon. They also lead a home group.
Chris & Ruth Heard
Chris & Ruth Heard
Home Group Leaders
Emma Hayton
Emma Hayton
Home Group Leader
Mark & Debbie Dawson
Mark & Debbie Dawson
Home Group Leaders